Talking with Children about the Corona virus

This week with all that is going on in our country I thought I would share some good information about talking with your children about the corona virus. If you would like to read the entire article it is from PBS kids, please click on the link.
It started with a quote from one of my favorite children’s “neighbor”. It was a quote from Mister Rogers: “Anything that's human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable.” If we can talk with our children about their feelings, they become less overwhelmed, less upset and less scared.
The article went over 4 themes we can use when talking with our children:
1. Share age-appropriate facts and correct any misinformation. With young children keep it simple. “You know what it’s like to have a cold or the flu — how sometimes you get a cough or have a fever? This is kind of like that. Most people who catch this sickness stay home, rest and get all better. And we have wonderful doctors and nurses who can help people when they need it.”
2. Reassure them that they are safe. Your children take their emotional cues from your tone. “You don’t need to worry. Right now, lots of amazing grown ups are working hard to keep people healthy. Luckily, we already know a lot about how to keep healthy!”
3. Emphasize simple things your family can do to be “germ busters” — for all types of germs that are out there! Harvard’s Dr. Richard Weissbourd writes that kids and adults alike are “more distressed when we feel helpless and passive, and more comfortable when we are taking action.” The hygiene routines that slow the spread of the COVID-19 are the same habits that help keep us healthy all year round.
4. We can add social distancing to this list also. A suggested conversation could be: “Germs like to travel from person to person. Have you ever noticed how kids in your class sometimes get sick at the same time? If lots of people stay home for a while, it will be hard for the Coronavirus germs to travel to new people — and that’s good news for doctors and nurses who are helping people who get sick."
How can we develop “ghost busting” habits?
- Wash our hands – practice with your children.
- Catch your cough – practice the “Dracula” cough.
- Rest is best – when we are sick “rest is best”.
- Practice healthy habits
These are truly trying times for you and your children. Together we will weather the storm. Stay healthy and safe’