Favorite Family Quotes – Part B

I thought this week I would just share part 2 of my favorite family quotes, hopefully you will enjoy them as much as I do:                 “Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there any more.”― Robin…

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Parenting your child

This week I would like to focus on a book by Dr Brie Turns-Coe “Parent the Child You Have, Not the Child You Were”.  Dr Brie is a therapist at Family Christian Counseling Center who has extensive experience working with children and families. In her book she gives help to parents in understanding and responding…

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Imagine a teenager who does not want to talk with his parents about an issue turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to seek help and understanding. I was just reading about students using chatGBT in place of a therapist.  A recent example of this is the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) support chatbot, which recommended weight…

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Beyond Behaviors

childhood stress

I have recently become exposed to the work of Mona Delahooke, PhD who has written two books. Both are about dealing with children’s behaviors. (Beyond Behaviors and Brain Body Parenting.) I will be writing a series of blogs about the valuable concepts that she details. In work with children recovering from early trauma I quickly…

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Object Permanence and Constancy

lessons about trauma

I recently took my 91 year old father who suffers from dementia to a restaurant. I gently guided him with his walker to a table and left him there as I went to order the food in a long cafeteria style line. I made sure that he could see me in line and every few…

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