Forms for the Center
"Fillable Forms"
The forms below are “fillable” on your computer. This means that you can conveniently complete such forms by typing information into the form’s display fields. You can then print your completed form, sign it as required and submit the form to your therapist. At this time all signatures must be hand written on forms. Please read the entire set of directions below before you chose this option.
1) Although you can fill in a form while it is displayed within your browser, we strongly recommend that you not do so (these forms are large and take time to fill out). You will lose all data that you enter if you browse to other web pages. You also run the risk of accidentally deleting all of your entered data by inadvertently clicking on the back or forward buttons of your browser. Clicking either of these 2 buttons will close the form and delete all of the data.
2) We recommend that you click on the form, open it but do not fill it out online, instead download and save the form to your computers hard drive. Use Acrobat reader (a free software download from Adobe) to open the file you saved on your hard drive, fill out the form independent of your browser or internet connection. You can work on parts of it, save and your data will not be lost.
3) If you suggest other ways to accomplish filling it out please let us know.
Our Main Office
1300 East Missouri Av
in Phoenix