My Heroes

This is a blog written by my husband Warren who has a real heart for our work.

I was thinking yesterday about all the families at the Center who are my heroes. I have come across many different types of heroes in my life but this season I just want to thank the adoptive and foster home parents who are in the midst of trying to rescue a child. You are my HERO!

Heroes show up

I saw an add the other day for a superhero movie, it was a wizbang, super, eye catching extravaganza.  The more I thought about it the more I thought: “wait a minute – the real heroes I never see on tv.”  They don’t wear a cape, or turn into a green colossal mutant, no they don’t “suit up” – they “show up” every day in the life of a child. Their young ones are in desperate need of love, and patience, and peace, and long suffering and…..(sounds like a verse doesn’t it). These children do not need movies, they need loving arms.

My daughter and son-in-law adopted my granddaughter and they are super heroes to me. Did they have the money to do it – probably not; the time to do it – probably not; the space to do it – definitely not; the heart to do it – no question about it – YES, YES, YES. The other day I walked into their apartment and material things were not in order but what was in order was their family. I walked into my granddaughter’s room and she and her mom were in the tent (yes there is a tent in her room) doing homework. It does not get any better than that.  Life certainly for them has had its ups and downs but their love has been consistent throughout it all.

Joseph – an adoptive father

I have never thought about it before at Christmas, but Jesus had an adoptive father. Joseph, without a cape or superhero wings to fly just took on the responsibility of raising our savior. He was not the CEO of a company, the president of a bank, he could have walked away and never looked back but he did not. To all the foster and adoptive parents out there this season, you are my HERO! Click if you would like to read more about the therapists at the Center.

May God bless you richly.


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