Helping Traumatized Children Learn – Part 2

learn student bored

In the second chapter of “Helping Traumatized Children Learn”, the author discusses resiliency and protective factors. Three Protective factors Child-development psychologists Masten and Coatsworth found 3 common factors for why some children develop competence even under adverse conditions, such as exposure to domestic violence, abuse, homelessness and community violence. These three factors common to competent…

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Parenting Traumatized Children

child trauma

I just read a helpful article found at the Child Welfare Information Gateway titled “Parenting a Child Who has Experienced Trauma”.  This article was divided into many sections but I thought I would summarize for you the suggestions under the topic “Helping your Child”. Although childhood trauma can have serious, lasting effects the article stated…

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Children’s Trauma and Mister Rogers

trauma hospital

Mr. Rodgers; a role model for being quietly present in the life of a child. I admit it, I am a big fan of Mister Rogers.  I was reading a few quotes of his and came across this story.  But first let me share one of my favorite quotes. “We live in a world in…

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Parenting Traumatized children

trauma attachment parenting

My dad teaches me about treating attachment and trauma. A few years ago my father and mother lived with us while my dad was going through the last stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Here are two of the lessons I vividly remember, I hope it helps parents as they work with traumatized children. I took my…

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Childhood Trauma Unique?

trauma child

Childhood trauma, is it unique? I just finished reading an article from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University titled “Excessive Stress Disrupts the Architecture of the Developing Brain”. There are times I wish I could ignore what I have read, not because I disagree with it but because I wish it was…

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