Beyond Behaviors

childhood stress

I have recently become exposed to the work of Mona Delahooke, PhD who has written two books. Both are about dealing with children’s behaviors. (Beyond Behaviors and Brain Body Parenting.) I will be writing a series of blogs about the valuable concepts that she details. In work with children recovering from early trauma I quickly…

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The Center and the NMT Model

brain development

Deborah Pettitt, the director of the Center has been certified in Phase I and Phase II of Dr. Bruce Perry’s Neuro-sequential Model of Therapeutics. Dr. Bruce D. Perry is a prominent psychiatrist and neuroscientist known for his work in the field of childhood trauma and its impact on brain development and mental health. He is…

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Object Permanence and Constancy

lessons about trauma

I recently took my 91 year old father who suffers from dementia to a restaurant. I gently guided him with his walker to a table and left him there as I went to order the food in a long cafeteria style line. I made sure that he could see me in line and every few…

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Summer Break

childrens therapy

Introduction: The summer break exciting for children, they are looking forward to a free and fun time.  However, without a sense of structure, children may find themselves with nothing to do or fall into bad habits. It is crucial to provide them with a well-defined routine that balances fun activities with enriching experiences. I thought…

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Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

lifelong learning

We at Family Christian Counseling Center specialize in treating trauma in children, teens and adults. Our therapists have been trained in several treatment models. One such model is Sensorimotor Psychotherapy that integrates somatic (body-based) and cognitive techniques to help people resolve traumatic experiences and other psychological symptoms. This therapy is based on the knowledge that…

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