Explaining the Brain to Children

somatic experience

I just watched a great video on child brain trauma and helping them recover. It was recorded by the Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development. Click on the link to view the complete presentation. The presenter centers her talk around the concept that if young people understand what is happening in their brain,…

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Play Therapy Convention

convention center

I thought this week I would write a blog about the upcoming training that many at the Center will be participating in. The Association for Play Therapy is having its International Conference in Phoenix this year during the first week of October. We are excited to have this training with renowned authorities in our city.…

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Benefits of Marriage Counseling

marriage counseling

Marriage Counseling is Work I just read an article entitled “The Benefits of Marriage Counseling” from the Faculty Assistance Program of Dartmouth College.  What caught my eye about this particular article was that it often quoted the marriage expert Dr. John Gottman, who is the author of the type of therapy that Mike DeMoss uses…

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Parenting Traumatized Children

child trauma

I just read a helpful article found at the Child Welfare Information Gateway titled “Parenting a Child Who has Experienced Trauma”.  This article was divided into many sections but I thought I would summarize for you the suggestions under the topic “Helping your Child”. Although childhood trauma can have serious, lasting effects the article stated…

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Helper our newest therapy dog

Helper newest therapy dog

I read 2 articles recently about therapy animals and thought I would give you a brief summary of each. They both are about the use of service animals for children and adults. Equine Therapy The first article was in the magazine section of the Arizona Republic, each week they have a special section called “Wednesday’s…

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