Trauma Groups at the
Center's main campus
Emotional, physical, and medical trauma, or neglect cause the brain to send danger signals. These danger signals then generate a variety of maladaptive behaviors. Research shows that different modalities can help repair the brain and modify behaviors so that healing will take place.
Parenting Group for Trauma
Parents with children that have experienced trauma will learn the nature of what happens to the brain during trauma and how to help their child recover. They will deepen their connection with their child and learn proper discipline for a child who has trauma. Parents will learn valuable tools for helping their child regulate emotions; the support of other parents who are going through similar situations will be therapeutic and restorative.
Kids, Teens, and Adult Groups
All groups will learn about the effects of trauma on brain development and how this influences tolerance for the stresses of life. They will understand triggers that send them back to the emotional states in which the trauma took place causing daily difficulties.
Individuals will gain the use of practices that establish a sense of safety, relaxation, and self-compassion. Experiential exercises will help develop a set of values and boundaries. Each participant will begin to learn new strategies and coping skills for overcoming the stressors and triggers of life.
Each group will learn according to their age appropriate developmental level. Fun projects for children and experiential exercises for adults will be geared toward working within one’s abilities.
Please contact the Center to see when these classes will be starting.