Edie Moore:  Post-Graduate Training


Play Therapy: Using Play therapy and the Neuroscience of Mindfulness to Regulate Children. Gabrielle Lawrence, Ph.D., LP, RPT-S. 1/30/14. 2 hrs.

Introduction to Theraplay®. Marlo Winstead, MSW, LICSW. 2/28/14. 7 hrs. Sand Tray Play Therapy and the Brain. Roban Kubic, MS, LPC, RPT-S. 3/26/14. 2 hrs.

Play Therapy Techniques to Fight Bullying, Nichole Boren, MSW. 8/21/13. 2 hrs. The Association for Play Therapy: 30th Annual Conference. 10/8-9. 13.5 hrs.

Canine Assisted Therapy, Rise VanFleet, PhD., Richard Gaskill, Ed.D. Integrating Play Therapy with Children Birth to Five. Genett Tomko, MSW, LCSW and Laura Gonzales, MA, LPC. 10/25/12. 2.5 hrs.

The Value of Integrated Play Therapy; Helping Children of Divorce Heal through Play Therapy; and Play Therapy with Adults. Teri Krull, MSW, LCSW, RPT-S, Gabrielle Lawrence, PhD, LP, and Deborah pettitt, MC, LPC, RPT-S. 5/5/12. 6 hrs.

Using Play Therapy to Meet the Needs of Children and Adolescents Impacted by Child Maltreatment. Sueann Kenney-Noziska, MSW, LISW, LCSW, RPT-S. 2/24-25/12. 10 hrs.

A Boy and a Dog: How Canines can Assist in Play therapy. Katherine Petefish, MS, MSW, CPDT. 1/20/12. 3 hrs. Giving Parents Tools to Play and Repair. DeAnna Wahlheim, MA, LAMFT. 10/28/11. 3 hrs.

Gems of Change: Approaches for Accessing and Utilizing Inner Resources for Healing in Play Therapy. Joyce Mills, PhD, LMFT, RPT-S. 5/20/11. 3 hrs.

Play Therapy from the Inside out- the Powerful Process of Symbolic Engagement,J.P. Lilly, LCSW, RPT-S, 2/26/11. 5 hrs.

Creative Uses for Puppets in Play Therapy, AZAPT, 4/15/10. 2.5 hrs. Play therapy with abused & traumatized children, Eliana Gil PhD, 2/26-27/10. 13 hrs.

Advanced Topics in Sand Tray Play Therapy, Roban Kubic, LPC. , 10/17/09. 3 hrs. Art Therapy, Dixie Ciccarelli, LPC. 9/17/09. 2.5 hrs.

Filial Therapy: Strengthening Parent-Child Relationships Through Play, Rise Van Fleet. 2008. 3 hrs. Introduction to Sand Play Therapy. Laura Behm Dewan, LMFT, RPT-S. 2008. 6hrs.

Play Therapy With Kids & Canines, Benefits for Children’s Developmental and Psychosocial Health. Rise VanFleet. 2008. 6 hrs.

Art Works: Using Art as a Therapeutic Tool for Clinical Practice. Patricia Isis, PhD, LMHC, ATR-BC. 2008. 6.25 hrs.

Animal Assisted Therapy Training. Cynthia Chandler, Ed.D. University of North Texas. 2006. 15 hrs.

Expressive Arts Therapy. Barbara Bagan, Ph.D. 2006. 1 hr.

Trauma Repair: The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics: Practical applications for traumatized and maltreated children. Bruce D. Perry, Ph.D. 2/2012-3/2013 Culture and Trauma Speaker Series, Parts I, II, & III. The National Child Traumatic Series Network. 11/26/12. 3 hrs.

Working with Individuals Experiencing Trauma, Cathleen Quiroga, MAPC, CL,3/25/11. 6 hrs.

Spring NMT Case-based Training Series with Dr. Bruce Perry, The Child Trauma Academy, 5/7 - 8/13/10. 15 hrs.

Complex Trauma & Sensory Integration, Karyn Purvis PhD, 1/29/10. 7 hrs.

Field Traumatology, Preparation for Crisis Response. James Martin, D. Min., LMFT, CT, CFS. 2006 15 hrs.

Sexual Assault Conference, Strategies for Safety. 2006. 3 hrs.

Suicide: Truths and Myths / Assessing for Suicidal Risk. Patricia Kempker, M.C., LPC. 2005. 6 hrs.

EMDR: The Trauma After the Trauma: EMDR for Betrayal Trauma Eperienced by Veterans & First Responders. Robbie Adler-Tapia, Ph.D., Jamie Zabukovec, Ph.D., & Karen Alter-Reid, Ph.D. 4/12/14. 6 hrs.

Healing the caregiving system: Using EMDR therapy, the Adult Attachment Interview and attachment theory to promote mentalizing capacity and reflective function in parents. Ana M. Gomez, MC, LPC. 8/24-25/2012. 13 hrs.

Complex PTSD, Attachment and Dissociative Symptoms: Treating Children with Pervasive Emotional Dysregulation Using EMDR and Adjunctive Approaches, Anna Gomez, MC, LPC, 11/12-13/2010. 14 hrs.

EMDR & Play Therapy with Children, Ana Gomez, 8/13/10. 7 hrs. EMDR level II, 6/25-27/2010. 23 hrs.

EMDR level I. 6/4-6/2009. 23 hrs. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute: Level I: Affect Dysregulation, Survival Defenses, and Traumatic Memory; Pat Ogden, Ph.D., Janina Fischer, Ph.D. 2-12/2013. 80 hrs.

Other Training: Hardwiring Happiness, Rick Hansen, Ph.D. 5/6/14. 1 hr.

Using the DSM-5 for Revolutionizing Diagnosis & Treatment, Martha Teater, MA, LMFT, LCAS, LPC. 9/12/13. 6 hrs.

Ethical Principles in the Practice of Arizona Mental Health Professionals. Allen M. Tepper, J.D., PSY.D. 11/21/13. 6.25 hrs.

Natural Therapies for Healthy Brains. Jan Katzen-Luchenta, AMI, CFP, CN and Jamie Oskin, ND. 9/13/12. 1 hr.

Children and Grief: Helping Bereaved Families. J. Wm. Worden, PhD, ABBP. 6/29/12. 3 hrs.

Psychopharmacology. Thomas A. Smith, P.D., LMHC, NCP, FAPA, BCCP. 5/23/12. 6 hrs.

Christian Association for Psychological Studies – 2012 international Conference. 3/29-31/12. 11 hrs.

Coping with Grief. Harold Ivan Smith, MA, ED.S, FT. 11/16/11. 5.5 hrs.

The Link: Animal Abuse / Human Violence, Tamara Ward and Phillip Tedeschi. 2/25/11. 6 hrs.

Ethics: Case Studies I, Continuing Psychology Education Inc., 2/24/11. 6 hrs.

Famous Therapists Errors I & II, Continuing Psychology Education Inc., 2/23/11. 12 hrs.

Person of the Therapist, Addressing Personal Issues of Counselors-in-Training in Therapy. Justin Smith, Psy.D., 2/5/11. 7hrs.

Length of Time in Care, Elaine Groppenbacker, 6/23/10. 1.5 hrs.

Positive Behavior Support, Part I, II, & III, Deborah Pettitt. 6 hrs.

Ethics & Boundaries, Magellan, 5/13/10/ 3hrs.

Autism & Diagnosing Mental Illness w/ Developmental Disability, Joanne Baron, FNP, MPH, 5/6/10 3 hrs.

Journal of Psychology & Christianity, 28/3, Fall 2009, CAPS, 10/12/09. 2 hrs.

ADHS Cultural Competency, Magellan, 10/14/09. 8 hrs.

Journal of Psychology & Christianity, 27/2-3. 2008. 4 hrs.

Limitations & Expectations of Outpatient Treatment of Eating Disorders. Remuda Ranch. 2008. 1 hr.

Journal of Psychology & Christianity, 27/2-3. 2008. 4 hrs.

Statewide Sexual Assault Conference, Strategies for Safety: New Directions in Prevention and Intervention. 2006. 3 hrs.

Grief 101. Rachel Thomas M.A., LMFT. 2006. 3 hrs, Marriage and Family Ministries Conference. 2006. 6 hrs.

Presentations: Art Therapy in the Play Therapy Office: Integrating the left and right hemispheres, and making the implicit explicit. 11/13/13. 2 hrs.

The Integration of Canine Assisted Therapy with Play Therapy. 7/2012. 2 hrs.